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Graduates Holding Diplomas

9th Grade On Track

Transitioning into high school is a pivotal moment for students. Our tailored program for 9th-grade success ensures students start strong, setting the foundation for academic achievement and personal growth throughout their high school years.

Curricular Features:


Your Transition to 

High School


Your Digital Wellbeing


Your Physical Wellbeing


Your Emotional Wellbeing


Your Communication

Your Relationships

Springboard Start

Our tailored 9th Grade Program features lessons and activities designed specifically for 9th graders to address their unique needs. This transitional support helps students adjust academically and socially to the high school environment.

Support for Teachers

PeerLearning streamlines lesson delivery by automating logistical aspects of the lesson, such as managing group memberships, tracking time and distributing materials. Teachers can dedicate more time to supporting student learning.

Support for At-Risk Students

PeerLearning provides at-risk students with opportunities to develop positive relationships with lower-risk peers.

Additionally, using PeerLearning reduces the likelihood of engaging in bullying and substance abuse through constructive social influences

Enhanced Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes

Promotes active learning, encouraging students to engage rather than passively absorb information.   Fosters positive peer relationships, leading to improved behavior and mental health

Ease of Use and Flexibility

No complicated software installation or maintenance required. Accessible on any device with a web browser, making integration into existing school infrastructures seamless.

Free to Use

Our work is publicly funded.  PeerLearning was developed by a research lab and funded through grants from the NIH. It is not and never will be for profit. Our main goal is to improve student outcomes and continue developing the software.

Widely Endorsed

Throwing Caps

PeerLearning is a CASEL SELect Program.  We earned the highest designation by meeting all 5 CASEL dimensions of SEL in not one, but two categories:

•Positive peer relations

•Prosocial behavior

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