9th Grade on Track
Embark on a successful high school journey with Peerlearning.net's 9th Grade On Track Program. Our program is designed to provide a thoughtful transition process for freshmen, ensuring they start their four-year academic adventure on the right foot. By addressing the unique needs of 9th graders academically and socially, you will empower students to navigate the challenges of high school with confidence and set a strong foundation for their future success. Join us in guiding and supporting students through this crucial transitional period as they embark on their educational journey towards a bright and promising future.

An evidence-based technology, funded by the National Institutes of Health, that guides and supports engaging small-group lessons, making peer learning easy and fun for both teachers and students.
Benefits of PeerLearning.net
Cooperative or peer learning is a thoroughly researched educational practice, with consistently strong positive effects. We also get lots of positive feedback from teachers and students!
Teacher: "I don’t think I have ever seen the kids so engaged!"
Teacher: "I’ve seen a huge improvement in how they are able to work with one another. "
Teacher: "The software frees me up to really focus on the how the kids are interacting."
Student: "I liked how organized it was. Here's your partner…bam. Here's your lesson…bam."
Student: "It was nice to work with someone I don’t normally get to work with."
Student: "I liked that there was a class goal to reach because it was fun to see if we could reach it."
Student: "I like how they have all the instructions on the screen about what to do and how things work."
Student: "I liked how we could work on our own with our partner without the teacher telling us what to do."
Student: "I liked how you worked with other people and got to know them better."
Student: "I liked how there were check mark boxes so you can look at what you’ve done and what you still need to do."

For Teachers
PeerLearning.net enables teachers to: (1) provide a more powerful peer learning experience through greater design fidelity in peer learning lessons, and (2) provide peer learning more frequently, with less stress, and a great likelihood of success, through greater instructional support.
For Students
During peer learning lessons, students are more likely to promote the success of one another through instrumental and emotional support and sharing of ideas and resources. These positive social interactions lead to greater social acceptance and more positive relationships among students. Out of these positive peer relations come improved behavior, social-emotional skills, mental health, and academic achievement.
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For a limited time, we are offering free access to PeerLearning.net. Fill out the form below and we will contact you.